Training Resources (Including Resources for Child Therapists)
- COVID-19 Resources for Social Workers and Therapists Provided by “Over 40 free resources that may be of help to you as a social worker, mental health professional and/or social work educator during the COVID-19 pandemic. These include free on demand training (some of which offer free CEUs), resources to assist with:”
- Hospice and Palliative Care
- Protecting Immigrant Families
- Serving Communities with Special Needs
- Social Work and Higher Education Resources
- Free 10-hour Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Web Course provided by UC Davis Health: “The “PCIT for Traumatized Children” focuses on trauma. . .this web course can now partially train therapists anywhere in the country to implement this method, helping countless more children and their families. Those who finish the course receive a Certificate of Completion to obtain Continuing Education Units for the Board of Psychology and Board of Behavioral Sciences in the State of California.”
- Therapeutic Activities for Children, Adolescents, and Families; Practitioners Share their most Effective Interventions Edited by Liana Lowenstein, MSW: A free 119 page ebook that features a number of family therapy activities than can be adapted for teletherapy.
- “Special Play Time” Technique PDF Provided by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. From Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) Treatment Manual: A 10-Session Filial Therapy Model for
Training Parents : “This technique is a way to strengthen the relationship between a parent and a child by using 30-minute playtime once a week.”
Helpful Links and Pdfs
- Therapistaid creates and share worksheets, videos, guides, and other tools to aid mental health professionals in the course of their work.
- FACE COVID eBook Provided by Dr Russ Harris, author of The Happiness Trap: ” A set of practical steps for responding effectively to the Corona crisis, using the principles of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).
- 30 Free Self-Care Tools compiled by “30 free self-care resources donated by kind individuals and organizations that may be of help to you in managing COVID-19 anxiety and stress. These include various meditations, apps, coloring pages, ebooks, videos, support groups, toolkits to manage anxiety, and online yoga and exercise classes.”
- Taking Care of your Behavioral Health; Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation during an Infectious Disease Outbreak provided by SAMHSA
- CA Essential Critical Workers pdf
- Mental Health and Psychosocial Considerations During COVID-19 Outbreak provided by WHO
- Managing and Anxiety and Stress Related to COVID-19 provided by CDC
- Frequently Asked Questions on Mental Health and COVID-19 provided by NAMI
- Mental Health Screening Tool provided by Mental Health America (MHA)
- Mental Health Condition Fact Sheets provided by MHA
Parent Resources for COVID-19 (follow link)
Telehealth Resources for Mental Health Providers
- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: Telehealth – Notification of Enforcement Discretion for telehealth remote communications during the COVID-19 nationwide public health emergency.
- Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS): U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Announcement of Enforcement Discretion for Telehealth Remote Communications.
- California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT): Telehealth FAQs for Therapists during the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic.
- National Association of Social Workers (NASW): Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Page: Helping People in Special Population, Preparing your Practice, Supporting Clients, Self-Care, Telehealth, and Ethical Considerations.
- Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) COVID-19 Response and Resources
- : Medicare and Coronavirus – How to Stay up to Date
Small Business Resources
- CARES Act: Provided by – “This bill addresses economic impacts of, and otherwise responds to, the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak. The bill authorizes emergency loans to distressed businesses, including air carriers, and suspends certain aviation excise taxes.” Follow this link to view the full bill as provided by
- Central CA Small Business Assistance: Provided by Small Business Development Center California
- Opportunity Stanislaus and the Valley Sierra SBDC have teamed up to provide real-time information and resources to local businesses in Stanislaus and Tuolumne Counties that face difficulty during the COVID-19 pandemic. To learn more about the resources provided or how you can help click below.
- Economic Injury Disaster Loan : Provided by
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources: Provided by U.S. Small Business Administration